Getting Started
In Logseq, a collection of notes is called a graph. Think of a graph as a directory location in Windows Explorer / Finder, a safety deposit vault, it simply is a name given for a collection of items.
To get started:
Download Logseq on your desktop.
Fire it up and you will get a message about selecting a local directory.
Follow the on-screen instructions. You can select the location where you want to store your Logseq Graph. Some users have it on their local machine (in My Documents, for example), while others store them on a cloud-sharing service like Google Drive, OneDrive, or DropBox, which has the advantage of giving you access to your notes on different computers. Let your heart guide you to its desired location.
You are good to go and can start typing out your thoughts, feelings and notes, or anything else that takes your fancy.
Importing Markdown Files
With the new Logseq Graph set-up, should you wish to import previous markdown (.md) files, you can do so simply by opening Windows Explorer / Finder, navigating to the Logseq Graph Directory and copying and pasting your files to the pages
directory. Open Logseq, refresh (top left-hand corner) and voila.
This very brief guide has hopefully given you sufficient assistance in getting started. There is not much to getting started with Logseq in reality. Open up, write notes and start to scratch the surface to uncover amazing features.
Last updated